Friday, June 23, 2006

home-grown terrorism and softening up the soccer moms

Dubya described himself as thankful to be "president of a land of prayer." Is he from LaLa Land?
Don't we have enough problems as a nation?

Why does he feed the loonies' group psychosis? Oh yes, I almost forgot, these are Bush's useful idiots, or as the GOP's fave lobbyist Jack Abramoff's associate called their fundamentalist flock, the "wackos".

Now we have a bunch of young men, the self-named "Seas of David", who sit around in military garb creating their own Christian-Islamo blend of a new religious cult, arrested today for plotting to terrorize America. They say of course, as nutcase wackos will, that they are "a peaceful Bible study group".

But blowing up a building of innocents is less important to these types than their interpretation of what they call God.

It's the same all over.
We think it's okay to blow up buildings of innocents too, just in other people's countries.

This illustrates perfectly why "A War On Terrorism" is a Potemkin Village, and the Straw Man is terrorism itself.

The "village", the Age of the Patriot Act and the demolition of the Constitution, was constructed to fulfill the Bush Crime Family's New World Order (the term coined by Dubya's Dad) a.k.a. the goal is the self-named neo-con's Project for the New American Century (PNAC).

Isn't it interesting, when you follow the money, isn't it interesting to see who is personally profiting from the military/industrial/media complex?
Is it coincidence to see how Osama Bin Laden works so well with the neo-con's goals and their Rovian timing that is so necessary for the clockwork action of this global take-over?

The terrorist act that no one could have imagined (as Condi stated under oath) but which the Clinton administration had emphasized was their highest state of concern (Sandy Berger, and the Presidential Daily Briefings) introduced the Straw Man, something amorphous and frightening we can point our terrorized response to, instead of continuing with laws and treaties.

Before and after 9-11 we could have treated terrorism as the world always has, with good police work. But the neo-cons seized the moment that they had set up by in effect leaving the doors unlocked, and were able to trash 200 years of American history and structure, and substitute their own utopian fascist police state.
Dubya said he "won the Trifecta.".

Remember when he said, "This would be a lot easier if this was a dictatorship, and I was the dictator... hehe."
Was that a Freudian slip?

Then again, this could all be a new move by the Rovian fear machine, softening up the soccer moms.
You know, the same way they used soccer mom's terror in the last days of the 2004 election, with the wolves in the dark forest television commercial.

On reporting the news this morning NPR played a subliminally string-pulling clip from a terrorized everywoman who works near the Sears Tower, recalling the terror she experienced on 9-11... oy vey. Just who is running NPR?
Many minimal intellect, media-controlled Americans seemed to think they personally were next in line for the terrorist attack, remember?

The seventh member of this little cult was identified as a government infiltrator into the group, and if you've been doing your homework, you know that sometimes these groups are guided into doing things they might not have thought of if an infiltrator hadn't been planted among them.

Google Cointelpro.
Its enough to make one think the government is making war on Americans.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This gang of kids were poor, and manipulated fools. Have you seen the hovel where the damned useful idiots had their meetings? (You can find it with Google Images.) They gave the fink their boot sizes to get them some boots, for god's sake. NOT EXACTLY SAUDIs.
I wonder which Sears Tower they were talking about blowing up? Was it the local old sears tower or the big one in Chicago?

Did you notice how they morphed from conglomerated Christian-Islamics to Islamo-terrorists?

So, what percent of the news was devoted to islamo-terrorists and what percent was given to the SWIFT story, which, by the way, the BushAdmin asked the newspapers not to run?
Where do you draw the line with these bastards?