Thursday, September 28, 2006

War Criminals Convention

In Upside Down World, a.k.a. The White House, three "forces for moderation" met over a spicy sea bass dinner. (Why did we need the menu details?

"...the forces of moderation are being challenged by extremists and radicals."

Why were we told to watch their body language? Dammit! I'm answering my own questions...because the only thing we were allowed to hear was bush bush bush, catapulting his propaganda.)

Where are the World Cops when you need them? Three war criminals in the same place, coulda been picked right up and booked.

Bush said, "...the forces of moderation are being challenged by extremists and radicals." Newspeak translation: An Afgani war lord, a Pakistani military dictator with nukes, and the pretender to the throne of the richest nation on earth who breaks laws with impunity are getting along swell.
Heroin, the weapons industry, and graft and corruption all sitting in the Rose Garden, together.
If I was god, a little lightning would have been involved.

I call these bastards the extremists.
Did they cook up the October Surprise? Is this all leading to the capture of Osama just in time to save Carl Rove's hide?

Or, think about it, are we all being focused on:
protection from terrorism
borders and immigrants
the other
the dark woods
the wolves in the dark woods

(Just ignore the little man behind the curtain, Dorothy.)

In the magic trade it's called distraction.

We are being focused on certain Bush Strong Polling Subjects... to take our eyes off of the coming economic crisis, the housing bubble, the income gap, the loss of manufacturing jobs, the outrageous rise in medical costs due to an inefficient private capitalist system, the failures of NCLB, the extreme corruption of this GOP dominated congress, the voting machine catastrophe which will nullify your vote no matter how hard you try to gotv...

the ecological crisis...

the nullification of the Bill of Rights...

Wake Up America. It was only 2 years ago.
Remember what Bush did for 60 days in 60 town halls after you gave him capital to spend in 2004?
First thing...
He tried to kill your Social Security.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Found you via the Torture roll. Glad I did. Adding you to The Psychotic Patriot roll. Thanks for the great writing and serious "shrillness". Wink.