Monday, September 17, 2007

Just Foreign Policy Iraqi Death Estimator

If wishes were ponies our religious fundamentalist vampires would get raptured, right now, and leave the earth to the meek who would live in peace. I heard it in the lyrics of a song yesterday while listening to KPFA - the books of the religious are written in letters of blood.

GOP Leader Boehner: U.S. Troop Deaths in Iraq Are a ‘Small Price’ to Pay
Video and Transcript: On CNN Wednesday, House Minority Leader John Boehner told Wolf Blitzer that the loss of U.S. blood and treasure in Iraq is an “investment” and a “small price” to pay if it leads to destroying al Qaeda. His statement not only reveals the GOP's true disdain for the military but is all the more nauseating because it is underpinned by the lie that al Qaeda in Iraq poses a threat to the US.

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