Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Dear Senator John McCain

A person has to ask themself, why would John McCain indulge in such fantastic absurdism.
'Walking safely in Baghdad', indeed.

Put two and two together. The guy is running for Presdient... and hence he covets MONEY, like the Anointed Mitt and the Predestined Hillary.

Well, coincidentally, this weekend I heard a great interview of Donald Bartlett and James Steele by Charles Goyette on Antiwar Radio (link & listen) all about their recent article in Vanity Fair about SAIC, the biggest military contractor in history. (Remember during the confirmation hearings I wrote about SAIC in reference to Robert Gates, our new Secretary of Defense.)
SAIC, Halliburton, Blackwater, B&R, CACI, Bechtel, are the biggest piggies on the American taxpayer's teat.
And they pay war candidates to run for president.

For further investigation, Bartlett and Steele should write another investigative article about SAIC's contracts with the elections commission and Diebold.

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