Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Dear Hillary and Obama

Why the Hell are you acting like a celebrity panel on a daytime talk show, when the election is so far away? I don't remember anyone ever running for office two years before an election. When Dubya pushes the BUTTON you'll say "wha?"
PAY ATTENTION for Christ's Sake!
Or, are you part of the problem?

Just Go, Listen to this:
Guns and Butter Radio KPFA
"Iran and the Nuclear Option"

Interview with Professor of Economics, Michel Chossudovsky. Global Strike; Nuclear Posture Review; privatization of nuclear war; nuclear weaponry versus conventional weaponry; nuclear attack not about disarmament; timing; retaliation; anti-war movement; global economics; likelihood of attack; Israel; China and Russia; European Union; media complicity; police state; ground war; neo-liberal agenda.
This show was originally broadcast on May 3, 2006, and is being repeated today to lay the groundwork, the foundation, for future programming on the coming attack on Iran.

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