Friday, November 03, 2006

Holy cow, Dr Dobson gets it

From the AP: "COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Nov. 3) - The leader of the 30 million-member National Association of Evangelicals, a vocal opponent of same-sex marriage, resigned Thursday after being accused of paying for sex with a man in monthly trysts over the past three years." Sex - homesexual prostitution, at that, and amphetamines.
What is with these Republicans?

Dr. Dobson says the allegations are "political".

Of course, he would know about politics.
Dragging politics into religion these days is, like, completely unheard of, isn't it?

The fundamentalist churches have willingly, greedily prostituted themselves for the power and the golden calf of "faith based" federal funding... and now they bleat like sacrificed lambs when the spotlight picks out one of their own.

Gee, I'm heartbroken for them.
Sleep with dogs, rise up with fleas.

Now maybe we can hear some journalistic investigation of "WHO was male prostitute Jeff Gannon visiting in the White House for the early years of the Bush Administration, hundreds of visits, signing in but not signing out..."

And as we turned off NPR this morning, the worshipful Don Gonyea was breathlessly reporting, "President Bush was beginning his final thrust..."
It must be the silly season.

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