Sunday, October 15, 2006

Thom Hartmann's October Surprise Contest

I don't win contests, so I rarely enter. Anyway, who wants to be the winner of this one?

With that in mind, here's my entry, if I entered:

The October Surprise, Or What's Up Karl's Sleeve THIS Time?

There is none. We already know what's going to happen. Either the Spineless DLC Dems or the Loyalist Whig GOP will win. What's the difference?
Karl knows he is flipping a two sided coin, heads he wins, tails you lose.

The real surprise will come in November or December.
The Beltway Insider Ruling Class can't lose the war.
It would hurt their self image, it would hurt their prestige, it would set them up as losers, and Heavens To Betsy, We Can't Lose! We only play rigged games.

If you can't leave a country you have invaded with your tail between your legs, and if you can't you win it with what you've got invested, then you do what every rich free market capitalist heir to unearned wealth does when faced with a problem, BUY it off. Invest more! Of The wealth and blood of the lower classes!
The corporate welfare queens will love the added business! The Norquist "drown the government in the bathtub" club will see their dreams come true. The bloody revolutionary Krystol-Ledeen bloodsuckers will feel reinvigorated. The Fundamentalist wackos will renew their subscriptions to the End Times Book Club.
All of Karl's children will be fed.
Fed on the blood, sweat and tears of Middle Class American, who will be really supportive of the calls for sacrifice... meaning: give up your social programs, and let them have your sons.
The post-election surprise is the reinstatement of the draft and the reinvigoration of war efforts.

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