Thursday, June 01, 2006

Haditha correction for NPR

National Propaganda Radio is at it again. Reframing and re-spinning an anti-war story to make it sound like just another war story. Hoo-ray for our side!
I am writing this because NPR NEVER corrects their stories, although you will notice later reports will sometimes be altered.
The news commentator at noon referred to the Haditha atrocity story as Marines firing on Iraqi civilians as a response to an attack on them by insurgents.

NO. Truth time. This Haditha story was originally reported in March, by the way, on Democracy Now with Amy Goodman. You can hear all about it on yesterday's show, too.
Time Magazine was a few months late, but perhaps that fit's Karl's Rovian schedule better.

But the story is out there in the MSM now, and listen up, NPR, there was no insurgent firing after the roadside bomb (ied) took out a marine patrol, where one Marine died. There was no attack, the Marines ran into an ied. The child's testimony said the bomb went off, then the Marines came into her home and slaughtered her family (and families in their nightclothes in three other houses, 24 people of all ages.) No bullets have been found outside of the houses.
They were just slaughtered, as happens in war.
Then the Bush Administration and the U.S.M.C. tried to cover it up and move on.

My conclusions:
1. War is Hell. War is bad. We do not need war, we need diplomacy.
(BTW, did you hear how many times the Bush administration repeated the word "diplomacy" this morning? As if they were reading my Midwestern Housewife know-it-all blog!
They SAY it so we will feel good about ourselves and our potemkin image we have of ourselves.
But they don't mean it. Action speaks where words are lies. )

2. If it is good you don't need to lie and cover it up. Didn't your Mother teach you anything?
That goes for a whole lot of what goes on in America, but this time I address the few and proud Marines. If you are proud of what you do, not just what you promote, then you don't need to lie and cover your trail.
Stand up and say, "we are proud to have stormed four civilian homes in the wee hours of the morning and sumarily execute the inhabitants in their pajamas. "

Does anyone besides me CRINGE at the name Fallujah, city of mosques, now flattened?
According to the 'Democracy Now' show mentioned above, there are small atrocities like Haditha going on EVERY DAY in Iraq. The story was told of another equally ugly, and egregious incident. Go listen, it's in an archive. You won't hear this on National Party-line Radio, and CERTAINLY not on Rah-rah GOP Radio.

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